Aline Pham on why she's focused on energy (and) climate

Presented on July 30, 2024, before City Council 

Good afternoon, members of the Houston City Council.

My name is Aline Pham, and I am an energy professional, a proud board member of a non-profit supporting STEM education, and, most importantly, a mother of two young boys. I am here today to advocate for Houston Energy & Climate Week, an initiative to foster energy and climate awareness in our community. And, to gather your support to extend this awareness to our grade schools.

It brings me so much sadness that the world is only getting warmer and that extreme weather events are becoming the norm. And this is the world I’m leaving behind for my boys and generations ahead. The impacts of climate change are already being felt. It is our duty to act now, to educate and empower our community, and to demonstrate that we, Houston, stand in unity are committed to doing hard things to create a sustainable and resilient future for the generations ahead starting with Houston Energy & Climate Week.

I was born and raised here in Houston and have long known that Houston was the energy capital of the world. But it wasn’t until I was well into my adult years that I learned that “energy” is not used synonymously with oil and gas. It wasn’t until I was preparing for a job interview at a retail energy company that I realized how naïve I was about the vastness of the energy sector, its contribution to our daily lives, and its critical impact on our climate. Houston Energy & Climate Week is our opportunity to bridge any gap in understanding in our community; one week in the energy capital of the world dedicated to educating our community about the diverse energy landscape, the importance of energy innovation, and the role Houston plays in the energy transition.

This initiative will bring together our community and engage our youth—our future leaders. Houston Energy & Climate Week will inspire them, providing opportunities to learn about cutting-edge technologies, sustainable practices, and their critical role in shaping a greener future. Also, by integrating energy and climate awareness into our schools, we can equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. This early exposure will instill a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship and ignite their passion for innovation, paving the way for the next generation of scientists, engineers, and leaders to create a sustainable and resilient future.

Houston Energy & Climate Week is more than just an event; it is a call to action. It is an opportunity for our city to showcase our unity commitment and our leadership in not just energy but energy innovation and preserve our legacy as the energy capital of the world.

Thank you,

Aline Pham


About the author

Aline Pham